Alec and I look at each other, silently communicating. After a second or two, he pulls his eyes from mine and focuses on Aspen, who is holding on to him as if her life depends on it.
I can see the struggle in his eyes. He doesn't want to let go of her, but he also knows that questioning that hybrid is important. His reluctance stems from not being sure when he can hold her like this again.
I would have told him not to worry, but I kept that little statement to myself. I know my daughter. Now that she's been around him, even if it was just for a couple of minutes, she'll find a way to always be around him.
The thought of that alone brings an unwelcfeeling to my heart. Part ofwants to nip whatever is happening between them in the bud, while the other can't take the thought of breaking her little heart.
Shaking my head, I push all thoughts of the daughter-father duo to the back of my mind. I'll think about it later when I am not conflicted.
"I need to go, Princess," Alec tells her gently, while smoothing down her hair.
A little frown appears on her face. "But why? I want to play with you." "I know, sweetheart, but I have swork to do. I promise to find you when I am done." Alec says the last part while looking at me, his eyes conveying uncertainty while at the stmaking sure that what he just said was okay with me.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtOnce again, I am shocked. The Alec I know takes without asking anyone for permission. The fact that he's seeking my consent makesfeel stype of way.
"Promise?" she asks in a small voice.
Once again, Alec turns toand I find myself nodding.
"Yes" I'm in a daze as I call out Aspen's name. I'm not sure what madeagree. I should have said no. I should have told him to stay away from Aspen, but I couldn't. Not when I know it would break her heart if Alec started avoiding her.
"Go find Martha, Ash." I force the words out of my constricted throat. "There is something Alec and I need to take care of." "Okay, mommy" she jumps off Alec's lap after giving him a peck.
She then rushes toand motions towith her little finger. When I bend, she pecks my cheeks too. "Bye Mama." "See you sweetheart." I watch as she runs to the kitchen where Martha probably is.
"Are you guys ready?" Micah asks, makingturn to face him.
Heaven's, I'd forgotten that the man was there. It's like my mind blurred everything and everyone around me, except for Alec and Aspen.
"Could you send someone to call Raven down? I want her with us when we interrogate the hybrid." "No problem." Micah's eyes becunfocused for a second and I just know that he's mind- linking someone.
"I'll head out first; meetthere in a few?" his eyes shift to us; once he's done communicating with whoever it is, he was mind-linking.
Both Alec and I just nod our heads and watch him as he disappears.
The room descends into an awkward silence. I look around only to realize that it was just the two of us. When did everyone else leave? And how long have they been gone? I was so distracted that I didn't notice when others left the dining area.
I wanted to leave, but I felt like I was tethered there by an invisible force. I couldn't move even though I wanted nothing more than to flee from this awkwardness.
Alec's eyes burned through me. I could feel his gaze on every inch of my skin even though I tried to focus on anything except him.
"I'm sorry if I crossed a line," he begins, his deep and rich voice sending shivers down my back. "She approachedand I just couldn't say No to her." I listen to him, my heart pounding. Can he hear just how loud it is? I don't know what to think or how to reply. What am I supposed to say to his apology? He acknowledged that he crossed a line, explained why he did, and then apologized for it. have nothing to condemn him with because he has taken full responsibility.
I continue watching, trying to think of something, anything really. I am not used to dealing with this version of Alec. Hell, I don't think I'm equipped to handle the Alec standing before me.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"If you don't wantnear her, I'll find an excuse to avoid her. It'll kill me, but I'll respect your decision, given I have no rights when it comes to her." I stare at him with a slack jaw, unable to believe what just cout of his mouth. Again, what the hell is happening? Where did the old, pushy, arrogant, self-absorbed Alec disappear to? It's like I woke up in an alternate universe, where Alec actually cares about what want.
He seems so different now. Like he's a whole new person. How comen though? It wasn't so long ago he was h? It wasn't agoh making demands and people don't change overnight, so what the hell is happening? "Sadie?" I shake my head, to bring my mind to focus.
"What's happening? What gare you playing?" I ask straight out, because there is just no way he beca different person overnight.
A frown appears between his eyebrows. Pushing his chair, he stands up, his body towering over mine.
"It's heartbreaking that you are suspicious of my intentions, but I don't blyou," he mumbles.
i'm pt playing any games, Sadie, and nothing is happening except forrealizing that I've been a royal asshole." I stay quiet. My mind isn't functioning at this point. I've been thrown out of a loop here. It's taking my brain a minute to catch up.
He takes a small step towards me. With my beating heart, I take a small one back.
"I know my words mean nothing to you, so I'm going to prove to you just how sorry Fam. I want you, Sadie.
Not because of your powers, not because of what you can do forand definitely because of the bond. I want you as a person, and Lam so as fucking sorry that it has takenthis long to really see you." With that, he givesone long stare before he turns, leavingalone and confused.