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Another Chance for the Luna Queen by Aurora Starling

Chapter 279
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Chapter 0279 Alexander POV I hadn't expected Ella to still be awake when I returned to je apartment. I'd been gone less than an hour, but as upset as she'd been-and as late as it was-l figured she'd have given up waiting and gone to bed.

Instead, she was standing in the kitchen, leaning against the counter with wide, startled eyes fixed on the door as I walked in. I must have surprised her.

"Are you all right?" I asked, stepping toward her.

She nodded emphatically and shrugged one shoulder-a response so unconvincing it was almost comical. It was clear she was still upset, and I couldn't blher.

This situation was unnerving, to say the least.

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To me, it seemed obvious the messages were coming from Dr. McIntyre. August's quick search had turned up enough evidence to confirm it. That didn't rule out a connection to David, but I was doubtful.

Ella, however, seemed convinced David was somehow involved.

I felt a pang of guilt as I remembered how I'd handled her emotions before leaving. It was natural for her to be frightened and upset, but instead of offering her comfort or understanding, I'd scolded her and rushed off.

I wasn't proud of my behavior, but at the time, I'd been so focused on finding answers that I hadn't considered what she actually needed from me.

I approached her slowly, choosing my words carefully.

"It's almost certainly Dr. McIntyre," I said finally.

"Of course," she replied tightly. "You're right, as usual.".

I bit back the retort that sprang to mind and instead asked, How would you like to handle this?" Her eyebrow arched as she studied me, as if trying to decipher my true intentions.

"Do you actually care how I want to handle it?" she asked. "Wouldn't it be better just to go with whatever plan you and your people have cup with?" "No," I said firmly. "You're the one she's contacting. This is about you, and you should decide how we move forward." Ella stared atfor several seconds, weighing my words. Then she sighed, her shoulders sagging as she leaned heavily against the counter.

"I'm not sure," she admitted. "I don't know what the right thing to do is. This whole situation hasso off-kilter and frightened. I don't mean to take it out on you-I'm just-" "It's a lot to handle," I said gently. "I'm not offended." "You should be,” she said, her voice tinged with guilt. "I'm not being fair to you.' "I'm not much better," I admitted. "But we can talk about that later. Right now, this is a time-sensitive situation. We need to cup with a plan immediately." She nodded, chewing at her cheek as she thought.

"I want to confront her," she said, her voice suddenly firm. "I'm not going to let her keep walking all overand 1/2 Chapter 0279 frightening me. I won't let her think she has power over"Confronting her could escalate things," I pointed out.

"Good," Ella said, her expression fierce. "Then at least we can fight it out and get this over with."

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I couldn't help but smile. I liked this fiery side of her. And honestly I had to agree It was exactly how I'd handle 1. it.

"That's what we'll do then," I agreed.

Ella stared atfor a moment, as if she couldn't quite believe I had m accepted her idea so readily. "Are you going to do it?" I asked. "Or would you liketo make the call?" "I'll do it," she said automatically, already reaching into her pocket for her phone.

I watched her closely as she pulled it out. Her fingers were steady-no trace of hesitation opened the Trembling-as shen and stared at the line of numbers. Whatever thoughts were racing through her mind, I could see her resolve hardening. The fierce, determined expression I liked so much returned to her face as she hit the call button.

I waited impatiently, my eyes fixed on her hands. Seconds ticked by as she held the phone to her ear. Then she pulled it away and glared at the screen. It had rung out. No answer.

Chapter 0280-