Chapter 760: Lenny chimed in with equal forcefulness, "Professor Sugden, remember this is the National Physics Lab, not your personal domain!" Known for his steady temperament in the field of physics, Lenny's anger was usually reserved for Kieran alone.
At Lenny's words, Jasiah swiftly averted his gaze, his embarrassment evident.
Harlee proceeded further into the lab and eventually paused next to Jodi.
"Pull out your notebook and write down everything you can pick up here," she instructed.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtHarlee then started to scrutinize the data displayed on the large screen.
After a few moments, Harlee raised her eyes to meet Kieran's.
"What experiment are you contemplating?” she inquired.
Kieran, visibly taken aback, outlined his project and couldn't resist querying, "Harlee, have you already sifted through and analyzed all this data?" Harlee responded in a hushed tone, "Absolutely, every bit of it." Kieran, Lenny, and Aurora, though already aware of Harlee's prowess, were dumbfounded, marveling at her genius.
But the rest of the group was visibly confused. Who was this enigmatic woman Kieran had brought into their fold? Was she merely boasting? Yet, Harlee paid no heed to their doubtful murmurs, pressing on determinedly.
"I can certainly undertake this experiment, though I must warn you, it teeters on the brink of danger.
And about the energy wave, let's scrutinize if there's a method to enhance its efficiency.", your storytelling hWith Kieran and Lenny solidly behind Harlee, the skeptics in the room held their tongues, even though their displeasure was palpable. Their attention was riveted on the spectacle before them.
Kieran stepped up confidently to unveil the mysterious red cloth at the core of the room, while Lenny, with a deliberate flick of his wrist, activated the radiation detector mounted on the lofty wall. In a flash, an invisible energy wave sprang to life before their eyes, sparked by the electric radiation.
Kieran, infused with excitement, launched into his explanation.
"This anomaly was uncovered by the special department. It emerged from what was initially deemed a typical car accident..." Lenny chimed in with a frosty tone, "It's concealed within the deceased." Harlee, absorbed in the pulsing energy wave before her, remained silent, lost in her thoughts.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmBeside her, Kieran and Lenny waited patiently in silence.
Three minutes ticked by before Jasiah, unable to contain his impatience any longer, broke the quiet.
"Kieran, are we going ahead with the experiment or what?"
Kieran's eyes burned with irritation as he mouthed, "Shut up," his silent words carrying the weight of his frustration.
Just as Jasiah opened his mouth to retort, Lenny gave him an icy stare, prompting him to reluctantly seal his lips.
Crossing Kieran could earn someone a few knocks, but crossing Lenny was a whole other level of danger. Harlee, still fixated on the undulating energy wave, finally spoke up.