Chapter 765: "I've already alerted the police. This criminal should be executed!" The crowd, convinced by the accuser's certainty, looked at Lindsay with scorn.
"Murderer!" "If we start believing what a murderer says, then who can we trust in this world?" Fueled by outrage, someone hurled an object at Lindsay, triggering a flurry of debris thrown her way. Lindsay found herself trapped, with no way to avoid the incoming assault.
Even as she attempted to flee, strong hands yanked her back.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtWhile Lindsay scanned for an exit strategy, an object struck her face. Yet, the blow didn't discourage her. She convinced herself that she was the favored daughter of a prominent family, not someone to be judged by the commoners! "I didn't do it. I'm not a murderer!" Despite being despised and hit with trash, Lindsay stubbornly refused to confess to being a murderer. This wasn't just a matter of protecting her image. It was a fight for her core principles. She was a wealthy girl, not someone who would stoop to murder! Her actions were merely corrective measures for those who stepped out of line. Someone as generous as her would never engage in cruelty. Never... Spotting a break amid the confusion, Lindsay collided with the person who first accused her and seized the moment of chaos to make her escape.
Lindsay wanted to retreat to the safety of the hospital room, but Hale had instructed her to take full advantage of these three precious hours. If she returned before the twas up, he would definitely punish her again. She couldn't bear the thought of being subjected to another beating...
New content available now at gVlDriven by desperation, Lindsay dashed into the pouring rain, knowing that only the rain could disguise her enough to safely get through these three hours. She crawled through the downpour, drenched and disheveled, trying to ignore the crowd's harsh words, but they clung to her mind, indelible and haunting.
"Harlee!" Lindsay yelled into the rain, her eyes seething with spite. Lindsay despised Harlee with all her heart. If Harlee hadn't taken revenge in this way, she wouldn't have been brought to the point of losing everything. She would still have been the admired beauty everyone cherished and sought out! "Harlee, I swear I'll kill you and feed you to the dogs..." As Lindsay hurled curses, a malevolent and ghastly expression took over her face.
Just then, Wade spotted Lindsay and regarded her with a mix of emotions.
"Lindsay? What's happened to you?" Lindsay caught the look of what once was affection but now was only revulsion and detachment... That repulsion felt like a sharp blade, piercing her heart. Painful and inescapable. Lindsay shook her head in denial.
"You've mistakenfor someone else." Then, in a panic, she sprinted away through the rain.
Wade's voice trailed her, haunting her escape.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"Lindsay, what's becof you? You were once so kind.
How could you bring yourself to torture and kill others?"
For a moment, Lindsay felt the urge to stop and defend herself against Wade's accusations, but she couldn't. She just kept running desperately.
As if by running, she could leave behind the monstrous person he pnstrous accused her of. Lindsay's mind was on the brink of breaking down.
She was desperate for confirmation that she wasn't the monstrous figure everyone portrayed. Ignoring then three-hour restriction, she dashed back to the hospital room like a woman possessed. Only Hale could affirm her innocence. She had only been disciplining sdisobedient individuals.