Chapter 841: Her determination grew stronger with every movement, and as she struggled, the frbegan to shift, its structure wobbling dangerously. She was perilously close to the edge of the cliff, teetering on the brink.
With one final push, the frgave way entirely, pulling her even closer to the drop.
At that crucial moment, Kareem arrived.
He dashed forward, catching Harlee's hand just as she was about to fall.
"Don't let go. I'll get you up," he said urgently.
With a forceful pull, and with the help of the elite unit accompanying him, Kareem lifted her to safety in mere seconds.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtKareem's heart ached with empathy as he untied Harlee's bonds.
His face fell when he saw the deep purple bruises marring her wrists.
Harlee clung to Kareem's hand, her voice barely a whisper.
"Kareem, Rhys...
He's gone.
He fell..." Harlee broke down completely, her sobs uncontrollable.
Her mind was a whirlwind of panic, and all she could do was repeat the devastating truth. Rhys had plummeted from the cliff.
Kareem froze.
Discover more on galnovs(uso de “ç" y "o" griega) He hadn't imagined this turn of events. Thinking of Lindsay, who had also vanished, Kareem quickly pieced together what had likely transpired.
A surge of respect, relief, and sorrow washed over him. Rhys had proven his courage, sacrificing himself to shield Harlee.
Kareem embraced Harlee gently, his voice tender as he tried to console her.
"You're safe now. That's what matters." Though Kareem grieved for Rhys, his greater concern lay with Harlee's fragile emotional state.
"Kareem, what should we do? Rhys...
He fell. To stop Lindsay from harming Nyomi, he threw himself over the edge..." Harlee's anguish deepened, and her body gave out, collapsing into Kareem's arms.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmThe special forces who had driven them up approached.
Anticipating potential complications, Kareem had ensured the presence of both tactical operatives and medical personnel.
As soon as the medics arrived, Kareem ordered them to check on Nyomi's condition.
He knew Harlee had fainted from shock, but Nyomi's condition was far прога was critical. She was suffering from severe blood loss.
In the car, after the medics treated Nyomi's wounds, everyone gasped. Two sections of flesh had been methodically removed from her arm.
Even for seasoned professionals accustomed to the worst humanity could offer, such cruelty left them speechless. It was the first tthey had seen such brutality inflicted on a civilian outside of the battlefield. The cuts were non-lethal, as they avoided major arteries, but they inflicted maximum torment.
Kareem's fury was palpable as he addressed the medic.