Chapter 876: Once gloved, Harlee slowly bent down, lifted the taunting man with ease, and flung him back among the remaining twelve. She formed a cold smile and addressed them, "Do you think he can die so easily? I'm not that merciful." At this, the taunting man's allies were visibly shocked. They were left pondering just how merciless she could be. Before any of them could react, they watched as Harlee methodically squatted down and began dislocating the taunting man's jaw and limbs.
With the taunting man's jaw dislocated first, the only sounds in the room were those of Harlee systematically disabling the taunting man's limbs.
To the taunting man's allies, each snap was like a sledgehammer to their hearts, making it difficult for them to even breathe. Only at this point did they comprehend the full extent of her ruthlessness.
But Harlee's methods were far from over. She rose and quickly performed a series of practiced maneuvers, including kicks, joint locks, and limb dislocations on the six men to her right, completing the task in under ten minutes.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtInitially, the room echoed with cries, but soon, silence reigned.
Harlee gazed coldly at the seven men on the floor, their weak sounds barely audible.
Her expression remained unreadable as she calmly drew out an exquisite handgun, wiping it with a touch of tenderness. She then quietly attached a silencer and loaded the weapon.
The seven men shut their eyes in resignation, bracing for death, a more favorable option than enduring further torture at Harlee's hands.
Unbeknownst to them, Harlee didn't intend to end their lives just yet.
galnovsis where your journey begins Her gun targeted their groins. She fired seven sharp, precise shots, rendering them impotent.
Blood seeped through their trousers, saturating a large section of the floor.
The men writhed in excruciating pain, but with their jaws dislocated, their agony was silent, their eyes burning with hatred toward Harlee.
At this terrifying sight, sof the remaining men tried to escape.
Harlee's gun seemed almost guided by radar, always striking with perfect accuracy. The only relief for them was that she couldn't aim precisely at their manhood, so their most vital parts remained unharmed.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmHowever, they overlooked the fact that each bullet reduced their mobility, increasing the likelihood of a crippling shot.
As a result, none of these six managed to escape without losing the ability to father children.
The thirteen men lay barely alive and half-conscious. They could acutely sense their blood draining and distinctly identify the agony from each injury. The pain was insufferable, surpassing any grueling training session they had ever experienced. Their blood nearly coated the entire floor of the interrogation room, the vivid red overwhelming the vision of the three whose conditions surpassed that of these thirteen. Any initial boldness of these last three had vanished, replaced only by fear.
Harlee's deliberate and slow torture was more horrific than any torment they had previously faced.
Harlee stood in the midst of the blood-soaked floor, splashes of red on her, yet her expression remained as detached as if she were merely standing in a puddle of rainwater.
Harlee leisurely cleaned her cherished firearm, her voice light and unhurried as she said to Ritchie, m "Keep these men alive just enough to feel every moment of agony. I want them trapped between life and death."