Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Two It felt surreal-the blood on the sheets, the body-Alexander. I couldn't process any of it.
"No!" I cried.
Foolish, foolish girl.
I held him. "You can't die, please, you can't die. I'm here, look at me, open your eyes, dammit!" I had never felt this afraid, not even when I received news that my father had passed.
Soon, I heard footsteps approaching-the door was still open. They were coming to find the source of the noise. I hadn't even realized how loudly I had been screaming.
"I didn't mean to... She said she wouldn't kill him." More people gathered, and soon, our room was crowded, every face frozen in shock.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtA hand pressed against my back-Phil. He was saying something, but I couldn't understand him. Austin was there too, along with sof the other advisors.
A woman stepped forward.
"I have to take him, Luna." I let out a snarl. "Don't touch him... No one touches him!" There must have been something in my voice because she stepped back immediately-so did sof the other pack members.
"Luna, you have to let them take him." Austin said, trying to reason with me.
"No!" I growled.
"They want to help. They're not taking him from you, but just they need to see if they can save him," Phil explains, and the words finally sink in.
"They will heal him, right? He will live again." Phil didn't say anything, but when the healers took his body, I didn't stop them. Pack soldiers led the crowds away, and I was finally alone with the advisors.
"What happened?" Keith asked.
"Leave. All of you. Get out!" And they did.
That's all I felt. I could have been stronger; I could have fought her compulsion and followed after her, but I didn't because I believed her. I believed the woman who killed my parents.
And now she killed him-no, not her, me. I killed him; I caused this because I was weak. One would think all those years of training would makesmarter. It didn't. Because I fell for the very spetty lie.
I wouldn't be able to live without Alexander; I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt that I had caused this. Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Two My eyes remained pinned to the bed, the blood-stained sheets would forever haunt me. I could still perceive his scent, so strong, one would think he was still here.
"Alexander, please don't leave me." I whispered to the empty room. I had never realized how alone and lonely I was. The few people I trusted had ended up being traitors; he was all I had.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
Numb, I stepped into the bathroom and let the water wash away then blood-his blood Afterward, I got dressed in my black leather pants, leather jacket, and black boots. She won't get away with this.
Cynthia had killed my mother and my father and there was nothing could do about it, but this time, I wouldn't let her go, I would kill her or die trying, this was my only redemption. "Luna!" Austin's voice rang out as he entered the apartment without bothering to knock. "The Alpha is awake."
Those four words were all I needed to hear, and I sprinted toward the healing room. Pack soldiers om struggled to hold back the crowd of pack members filling the passage. I pushed my way through the mass of people and finally stopped in front of the healing room, where a soldier stood guard. "I need to see the Alpha," I said, attempting to step past him, but he blocked my path. "Get the hell out of my way, or I swear-" I never got to finish my threat.
"It's alright, let Luna in," Phil said. The soldier gavea long look before finally stepping aside.
I pulled open the door-the only thing separatingfrom him—and there he was.
Seated on the bed, a bandage wrapped across his chest, yet still alive. Still breathing, despite a dagger having been driven through his heart.